Santa Margarita Beautiful
Town-Wide Yard Sale- April 27th, 2024
Do your Spring cleaning and participate in a community wide garage sale. This is a huge event with advertising and Press Releases in the Tribune, Atascadero News, Craigslist, EasyAd and more. PLEASE HELP US BY advertising your sale with signs, online and social media, etc.
Garage Sale locations will be made available (Lists of participants and addresses of each garage sale location) to garage sale shoppers. This is a wonderful way to clean up and “declutter”. After your sale, please DONATE usable items to local thrift stores/goodwill and get a taxable deduction.
Bring Your items to Gatherings Thrift
Gatherings Thrift, a non-profit organization benefitting 6 local charities in Atascadero and 6 more in Paso. I was wondering if it would be possible get on the list of recycle options for post yard-sale donations. Here is our info and thank you for your time and consideration and
For more information, volunteer, or sponsorship opportunities contact us.